Thursday, 7 June 2012

Facts about Love and Relationships

Hey guys!! I hope my last post was really helpful. But if you need more advice, or you have more questions about love and relationships in general, send me an email at and i will answer all your questions right here. Now, for this week’s post, I asked a couple of my friends to write about their general opinion on love and relationships and here’s what they came up with. I hope this helps in some way!!
  • Friends from our childhood or adolescence are special, no matter how much time has elapsed between visits. These compelling connections are the result of shared roots during the formative years. Our childhood friends and teenage sweethearts experienced with us all the wonderful, horrible, boring, and embarrassing moments that helped to make us who we are today.
    Yet, when children are young, parents may regard these relationships as insignificant. If the family must move to a new community, the children's close friends will have to be  left, so what? They will make new friends, the parents assure them. But, is a friend as interchangeable as a new toy for an old one, or is there more to friendship than that? Why are we so elated to rediscover long-lost friends in our adult years if, as some parents believe, they were as dispensable to us as children?
    Even more belittled by many parents is a teenager's (or preteen's) love for a boyfriend or girlfriend. Adults refer to these relationships with demeaning language, calling them "just puppy love," and these romantic bonds are not taken seriously. Parents question  teenagers' ability to know what love is, yet they accept their teenagers' statements, "I love you, Mom & Dad," with full appreciation and at face value. If adults accept that teenagers can love parents truly, then shouldn't they also accept that teen romances are "real" love?
    Recreational dating is relatively new. Teenagers, many years ago, used to marry their first sweethearts right out of high school. These men and women of the World War II Generation married at younger ages than their Baby Boomer children or their Generation X or Millennial grandchildren. But education has become prolonged, so marriage is later.
    The age of puberty, however, has dropped. Whatever the reasons for this, reaching puberty influences the age of first love and first sexual experience. It is rare now to marry a first love. Today's teenagers date not for the purpose of marriage but for fun. However, the first love experience is no less powerful than it was in the 1940's.
    Adults who underestimate the strength of the bond-- or the impact of the loss -- of a first love may have forgotten what a blow it was when they lost their own first loves. They may even try to comfort teenagers with light-hearted lessons:  "Don't worry! Boyfriends/girlfriends are like buses... a new one comes along every ten minutes!" This was not helpful, and it was not funny. The loss of a first love can sometimes be so crushing to some teenagers that they become suicidal.
    The pain of the breakup will subside with time, but the love may stay buried and dormant for decades. While most men and women find satisfying partners after first love breakups, there are adults who spend their married years aware that "something is missing." They continue to think about their lost first loves. Perhaps if they had married their first loves when they were younger, they could have formed lasting and fulfilling marriages, but they will never know. These romances were interrupted - often by their parents' interference
    Even the adults who had no current interest in their first loves, including those who had only bitter memories, revealed that these early romances influenced their life-long attitudes about love, and even about themselves.
    First love, young love, is indeed real love. This intense love does not come along every ten minutes. For some people, it may come only once in a lifetime.(check out his blog here)
Love is when you have a special feeling for someone or something. Loving someone can be the nicest thing to ever happen to someone, believe me, I aint lying. When we love someone, we most likely will want to be in a relationship with that person but sometimes, we won’t have the guts to open up to this person(speaking from experience)and when this happens, someone who doesn’t care about them as much as you do will eventually take them away. Well, to me, love is the second best thing in life, so if you really love someone, cherish him or her because u might not know what u have until you've lost it.....and when it comes to the case of being in a relationship, PLEASE DON'T CHEAT!!! It makes one go insane when the truth finally comes out. Feel free to talk to your partner; being shy aint a question here because some are when they are with someone they claim to love. When you love someone, you should be free to tell then ANYTHING. Being in a relationship is a good thing but some people don’t value their partner, if you've found someone that makes you happy don’t relent on making him or her happy because love is a beautiful thing.
  • Love is when you are high on Dopamine...lolz… There are so many definitions to love but I don't think there is any perfect one. Even those who are in love cannot define exactly how they feel. To love someone, you have to see beyond how the person looks and find out haw that person is deep inside. This is a very great task and some people aren't able to do it until they become stuck with that person.
    To be in a relationship, trust and understanding must be present. Ladies you must trust him, not every girl he talks to wants to take your place. Guys, she is with you, relax. Distance may or may not affect a relationship depending on how much you love each other. With trust and understanding a relationship will prosper. On a last note, to people who have been heartbroken before;
  • Try to forget that person, especially if he or she is with someone else.
  • Before you move on, make sure that person really loves you before you dive into another relationship.
  • With each heartbreak, you’re getting closer to meeting the perfect person, and you’re getting wiser too!!!
  • NEVER force someone to love you.
  • Don’t be stubborn, that person you take for granted might be the right person for you.
  • Try not to hurt the one who truly loves you, you already know how it feels.
  • NEVER EVER give up on love.
  • Everyone wants romance in their relationships, but LOVE is deeper and more profound than romance. There is nothing wrong with receiving flowers or chocolates, but if u are looking for that 'perfect' person, like everyone else is, then you would realize that LOVE is about loving their faults and bad habits, not just the butterflies you get in your tummy every time you see them because of how good-looking they are!!!! Hehe
On a last note, I just want to give a shout out to this website I recently found. She's an amazing inspiration, Trust me!!!
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